Saturday, December 12, 2009

Tiger Woods sets a poor example for young adults

Boys and girls all over the world gaze upon the iconic image that Tiger Woods represents and say, "if he can do it, so can I." Don't you think some of those boys and girls look at what Tiger Woods has become - a multiple felon adulterer - and say the same thing? Marriage has already become a fifty-fifty shot; you win some, you lose some. It is no longer the 'till death do us part' arrangement that it was intended to be.
The students that I teach fully comprehend what marriage means. A man and a woman fall in love, commit to each other, and remain together forever. This is a very simple concept that adults have a hard time abiding by. Children like this concept because they can easily understand it and it makes perfect sense to them. What they do not understand is why a man or a woman would cheat on their spouse. I truly hope that they do not find out about this whole Tiger Woods thing, because we all know I will be the one to have to explain it to them. How do you explain complex infidelities to six and seven year olds who completely and innocently understand the concept of marriage?


  1. It's a real shame that teachers are put in the position of teaching morals and ethics. It can be hard enough just teaching "the 3 R's". Besides, the odds are that the teacher will teach one thing and the parents will "teach" the opposite; either through conversation, action or just total ignorant inaction. That puts the poor kids caught in the middle trying to decide what's really right.

  2. Tell the kids he's good at hitting a golf ball and is human just like everyone else.
