Saturday, December 19, 2009

Reminds me of myself when I was his age.


  1. Are you sure that this reminds you of yourself?

    He comes across more like a child who has spent a lot of time in day care, and has little attachment to his mother..."like" is something that he understands and can articulate: "love" comes across as a cliche, a platitude that he mouths.
    He only likes his mother if she is giving him treats. How sick is that?

    Your blog is a chilling indictment about education in the richest, most democratic, most informed country in the world.

  2. I appreciate your comment, and yes, your right - this countries educational system needs a major upgrade/ overhaul. Thats why I have this blog - to educate parents about what their school district may be subjecting their children to.
    Children in this country are WAY too egocentric - this is not their fault, it is the parents fault. Think of the parent in this video; she does not correct the child or even try to explain how talking that way to mommy is not normal. She not only accepts it, she encourages him to go on with it. Then she laughs, records it, and puts it on the internet for the whole world to see.
